Steph Swope
Steph Swope is President and Producer of Minnow Mountain, an animation studio specializing in performance capture rotoscope character animation. Swope has earned recognition as an award-winning producer of animated series such as “Undone” and feature films “Tower” and “Apollo 10 1/2.” Her no-bullshit authenticity and a supernatural analytical ability has laid the foundation for the studio’s success.
Founded in 2012, Minnow Mountain has produced a feature film for PBS, a feature film for Netflix, and made two seasons of television for Amazon Prime. We make short form animation like the opening sequence for DnD-playing juggernaut Critical Role, or the Black Angels music video for their hit single, “Empires Falling.” We also produce the online course How To Rotoscope with Craig Staggs.
In 2024 we expanded the company in two exciting ways: we’re developing Minnow Mountain original films and series (to be written and directed by studio co-founder Craig Staggs) and are offering 2D cartoon-style character animation production services through our new team, Cartoonatorium One.
With a strong focus on delivering exceptional animation services, we offer a range of creative solutions for television and film producers that includes development and production of feature films, series, shorts, music videos, and project pitches. As Emmy-winning animators Minnow Mountain is proud to attract partnerships with the most prestigious producers in the adult animation industry.
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