Narrative Short Competition presented by Vimeo
The Singers
"The Singers" is a genre-bending film adaptation of a 19th-century short story written by Ivan Turgenev, in which a lowly pub full of downtrodden men connect unexpectedly through an impromptu sing-off. The film explores the complexities of masculinity and the power of vulnerability through art.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: |
Sam Davis |
Executive Producer: |
Rayka Zehtabchi, John Saras, Henry Platt |
Producer: |
Jack Piatt, David Breschel, Charlie Cohen |
Screenwriter: |
Film was made without a screenplay* |
Cinematographer: |
Sam Davis |
Editor: |
Sam Davis |
Production Designer: |
Michelle Patterson |
Sound Designer: |
Island Styles |
Principal Cast: |
Mike Yung, Chris Smither, Will Harrington, Judah Kelly, Matthew Corcoran, David "Muffin" McMurry, Daniel "Hutch" Hutchinson, Leroy Griffith, Michael Keyes, Roy Farewell |
Distributor: |
Public Film Contact: |
Highway West
Publicity Contact: |
David Breschel
Sales Agent: |