Presented by Imaginable Futures

SXSW & SXSW EDU Crossover Day Mixer

Mar 6, 2025

5:00pm – 7:00pm CT

Crossover Day is where the family of SXSW conferences and festivals converge. This networking event is an invitation for SXSW and SXSW EDU registrants to come together for a celebration of innovation in education and creativity.

Join Imaginable Futures, presenter of the Crossover Day Mixer, and ECMC Foundation for drinks and a conversation starter on "Who Belongs on Campus: Changing Our Cultural Lens." As higher ed navigates a transformative new era, updating our image of who belongs on campus can shift our culture and our education systems toward a better future – starting with the 1 in 5 college students raising children.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Primary Access
Film & TV Badge
Interactive Badge
Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Format: Networking
Type: Networking