photo of Liz Agyeman

Liz Agyeman

Senior Brand Manager - International

Liz Agyeman is the Senior Brand Manager - International at TuneCore. In her role, she bridges connections between over 16 diverse countries, fostering collaboration and innovation, with a passion for empowering independent musicians and a commitment to developing TuneCore into an internationally recognized and beloved brand. Over the past three years, she’s orchestrated various activations, including notable collaborations with Afrofuture (formerly Afrochella). She’s taken the stage as a speaker, addressing the nuances of the music industry and sharing real-life experiences of Black and Women of Color (BWoC). Notably, she has been actively promoting the rising global influence of Afrobeats, contributing to TuneCore's role in supporting and promoting this vibrant genre.

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Events featuring Liz Agyeman
Events featuring Liz Agyeman