photo of Chris Kerston

Chris Kerston

Land to Market

Chris Kerston ranched full time for over 10 years before joining the Savory Institute. With a longstanding passion for regenerative agricultural and better food distribution systems, Chris has dedicated his life to helping connect ranchers with consumers in ways that create synergistic value for both sides.

With formal training and instinctive talent, Chris utilizes media in concert with traditional marketing techniques to help ranchers share their stories and build long-lasting relationships with partners based upon common goals.

Chris has become a sought after public speaker championing for stronger connections between grower and eater and providing training to help build those connections. He has been on the forefront of the collaborative process with state and federal regulators, advocating for the recognition of alternative agricultural models as well as the consumers’ right to access healthy local foods.

Chris is also very enthusiastic about developing opportunities for young ranchers. Fostering creative solutions to removing barriers of available land and capital will ultimately help cultivate the next generation of holistic land stewards.

Now as Co-CEO of Land to Market he is helping to shepherd a team of incredibly passionate and talented individuals all seeking to empower businesses to be leaders in the regenerative space.

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Events featuring Chris Kerston
Events featuring Chris Kerston