Reimagined Volume III: Young Thang
Inspired by “The Woman with Two Skins” of Southern Nigeria, the story follows Young Thang, a human girl living within The Community, a place where humans are forbidden; deemed dangerous and ugly. To blend in and survive, Young Thang’s guardians urge her to wear a second skin to transform her appearance. After the pressure to conform pushes Young Thang to the brink, she unknowingly puts her beloved guardians and The Community in peril. Can Young Thang find the courage to reveal her full self and save the very beings that discriminate and suppress her?
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Film Screenings
Directors: | Melissa Joyner, Julie Cavaliere & Michaela Ternasky-Holland |
Executive Producer: | Goro Fujita, Sarah Malkin, Yelena Rachitsky |
Producer: | Julie Cavaliere , Michaela Ternasky-Holland, Ryan Genji Thomas, Zoe Roellin |
Screenwriter: | Melissa Joyner |
Cinematographer: | Zoe Roellin |
Production Designer: | Zoe Roellin, Samia Khalaf |
Sound Designer: | Frank Lubsey |
Music: | Simon TaufiQue |
Principal Cast: | Julyza Commodore, Debra Wilson, Nicola Delgado, John Eric Bentley, Chris Paul Morales, Rebecca Lee Lerman, Jackie Alexander |
Additional Credits: | Tyler Friedel: Samia Khalaf, Alissar Kobeissi: Nick Diaz, Lucas Smarker: Eric Giessmann, Felix Stief: Jon Paul Brower |
Distributor: | Ryan Genji Thomas |
Public Film Contact: | Julie Cavaliere |
Publicity Contact: | Nicole Kerr |
Sales Agent: | Michaela Ternasky-Holland |