Narrative Short Competition presented by You42
Trapped follows the story of Joaquin, a highschool janitor at the prestigious Hallston Academy, finishing up his rounds in the early morning hours. Investigating voices echoing through the empty halls, he’s drawn to the gymnasium, where he stumbles into a group of boys in the middle of a senior prank. Tensions arise when his attempts to shut down the prank take an unexpected direction and he is caught between the boys, the head custodian and his own moral compass.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Film Screenings
Director: | Sam Cutler-Kreutz, David Cutler-Kreutz |
Producer: | Sam & David Cutler-Kreutz, Tara Sheffer, Silvia Chen, Alex Morsanutto |
Screenwriter: | Sam & David Cutler-Kreutz |
Cinematographer: | Gabriel Connelly |
Editor: | Caitlin Carr |
Sound Designer: | Trevor Gates |
Music: | Freya Berkhout |
Principal Cast: | Javier Molina, Keith William Richards, Kamron Ali Toosi, Matthew Woodward, Luke Cawley, Ethan Jones, Aedan Jayce, Joel Meyers, Brad Michael Pickett |
Additional Credits: | Casting Director: Matthew Glasner |
Public Film Contact: | Sam Cutler-Kreutz |
Publicity Contact: | Sam Cutler-Kreutz |