Investing in New Frontiers of Health: AI, Psychedelics, the Gut-Brain Axis, and More!

Mar 10, 2024

2:30pm – 3:30pm CT

Software, hardware, and biotechnology are playing an increasingly transformative role in our mental health and wellness. Join us as we discuss what investors look for in these new companies and how they separate what’s real — and what’s near-term — from what’s hype. We’ll explore AI-powered tools for mental health, the new area of “enerceuticals” (energy replacing the “pharma”), psychedelics, and why what’s in your gut is so important to your mental state. Hear from investment experts who have a wide view of this growing startup landscape and better understand which new ventures are likely to succeed.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Dan Blumberg
Dan Blumberg

Modern Product Minds

photo of Amy Kruse
Amy Kruse

Satori Neuro

photo of Christie Nicholson
Christie Nicholson

Studio For Communicating Complexity

photo of Matias Serebrinsky
Matias Serebrinsky

PsyMed Ventures

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Video On Demand for this event began on Friday, April 5th 2024 at 11:00am CT.
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