Presented by Samantha Bee, WITS END is a live game show where two celebrity comedians (Doug Benson, James Adomian) face off in a game of custom made trivia. Created and hosted by Adam Kesner, whether it’s a grab from the ‘bag of misery’ when you lose, or an inflatable trophy when you win, this isn't your ordinary trivia game. At Wits End, being funny is almost more important than getting the answers right.
Each celebrity comedian’s team is rounded out with two former Jeopardy contestants, each experts on their specialized subject. Controlled chaos or the best party ever? You decide.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
James Adomian
Samantha Bee
Lemonada Media
Doug Benson
Meg Gardiner
Meg Gardiner
Molly Karol
NXSTEP Opportunity Partners
Adam Kesner
Trivial Dispute
Neal Pollack
Book and Film Globe