Kokomo City
"Kokomo City" is the feature directorial debut of two-time Grammy-nominated producer, singer and songwriter D. Smith. Smith, who made history as the first trans woman cast on a primetime unscripted TV show, also filmed and edited this wildly entertaining and refreshingly unfiltered documentary that passes the mic to four Black transgender sex workers in Atlanta and New York City – Daniella Carter, Koko Da Doll, Liyah Mitchell and Dominique Silver - as they hold nothing back while breaking down the walls of their profession. Executive produced by Lena Waithe, the film won the Sundance Film Festival NEXT Innovator Award and the NEXT Audience Award.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: | D. Smith |
Executive Producer: | Stacy Barthe, William Melillo |
Producer: | D. Smith, Harris Doran, Bill Butler |
Cinematographer: | D. Smith |
Editor: | D. Smith |
Principal Cast: | Daniella Carter, Koko Da Doll, Liyah Mitchell, Dominique Silver |
Distributor: | Magnolia Pictures |
Public Film Contact: | Danielle McCarthy-Boles |
Publicity Contact: | Danielle McCarthy-Boles |