"Beef" follows the aftermath of a road rage incident between two strangers. Danny Cho, a failing contractor with a chip on his shoulder, goes head-to-head with Amy Lau, a self-made entrepreneur with a picturesque life. The increasing stakes of their feud unravel their lives and relationships in this darkly comedic and deeply moving series. In partnership with A24, the series will debut on Netflix this Spring.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Showrunner: | Lee Sung Jin |
Directors: | Jake Schreier, Hikari |
Executive Producer: | Jake Schreier, Hikari |
Principal Cast: | Steven Yeun, Ali Wong, Maria Bello, Joseph Lee, Young Mazino, David Choe, Patti Yasutake, Ashley Park, Justin H. Min, Mia Serafino, Remy Holt |
Public Film Contact: | Joanna Wolff |
Publicity Contact: | Joanna Wolff |