The Invited
"The Invited" reimagines the gothic story of Dracula in a solitary séance in which an animated pop-up book serves as a conduit for Dracula’s curse to re-enter the modern world. The participating audience are The Invited. One guest at a time is presented with an AR device and a hand crafted pop-up book. Each turn of the page reveals an intricate kirigami world that fills with AR holograms to tell the story of Vampire X’s unholy desires. The 20' experience is an experiment in merging finely crafted physical worlds with Augmented Reality technologies in order to tell a melancholy story.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Directors: | Davy McGuire, Kristin McGuire |
Executive Producer: | Studio McGuire |
Producer: | Davy McGuire, Nesta Nelson, Dan Tucker |
Screenwriter: | Ben Steiger-Levine, Richard Hurford |
Cinematographer: | Davy & Kristin McGuire |
Editor: | Davy McGuire |
Production Designer: | Kristin McGuire |
Sound Designer: | Spesh Maloney |
Music: | Spesh Maloney |
Principal Cast: | Davy McGuire, Kristin McGuire, Richard Avery, Joel R Higley, Kristian de Carvalho, Jack Chamberlain, Andrew Ross |
Additional Credits: | Lead Augmented Reality Developer: James Bailey, Augmented Reality Developer: Adam Tunicliffe, Augmented Reality Developer: Meggan Gumbrell, Project Manager: Sharon Worsnop, Funded by: Creative XR/Digital Catapult, XR Stories, British Underground, Supported by: Back to Ours, Future Arts and Culture: Future Art and Culture is produced by British Underground at SxSW funded by Arts Council England with additional support in 2023 from the British Council. |
Public Film Contact: | Kristin McGuire |
Publicity Contact: | Sharon Worsnop |