Remaking an American City Using Arts and Culture

Mar 10, 2023

11:30am – 12:30pm CT

Recording: Remaking an American City Using Arts and Culture, Mar 10, 2023

The City of Detroit, historically a headquarters for transformative music, design and art, but also once the poster child for violence and decay, is transforming itself, using citywide beautification as a tool for progress, commerce and population growth. The city is documenting every mural on a Mural Map with artist bios so residents and tourists can digitally meet a creative workforce that is among the best in the country. The city is transforming streets with art and bike paths, which typically haven't existed in the auto capital of the country. Mayor Mike Duggan’s Blight to Beauty campaign is tearing down ruin porn, commissioning hundreds more murals and activating arts alleys across the city. The Detroit that people think they know doesn't exist anymore. Welcome to New Detroit!

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photo of Rochelle Riley
Rochelle Riley

City Of Detroit

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