
Presented by Energizing Health

Growing Good: Creating a Culture of Giving for All

Mar 11, 2023

4:00pm – 5:00pm CT

Recording: Growing Good: Creating a Culture of Giving for All, Mar 11, 2023

Charitable giving often focuses on the most vulnerable populations, however one of those populations: the elderly, is severely underfunded and underserved through philanthropy. With less than 1% of charitable donations in the United States going to programs focused on our elders, this panel will focus on this underserved population, as well as the family caregivers who often provide unpaid (and much needed) care for these older adults. Specifically, this panel will dive into innovative partnerships and funding mechanisms to serve older adults; the why behind the current lack of funding; and how you can support older adults in your community through time, talent, and treasure.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Jisella Dolan

Jisella Dolan

Honor Technology, Inc.

photo of Chris Durrance
photo of L. Carter Florence, DrPH

L. Carter Florence, DrPH

Meals On Wheels America

photo of Weston Middleton

Weston Middleton

One Family Foundation

Online Availabilty

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This event is currently available on demand.
Video On Demand for this event began on Sunday, March 12th 2023 at 2:00pm CT.
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