Composer Buy-Outs: Unfair or Fair Enough?
Composer buyouts are causing controversy and generating polarised views. Royalties from music in Film and TV can be significant - so there is a lot at stake. When music is commissioned for media a new copyright is created and the owner of that copyright has the rights to control how the music is used and to receive revenue when it is exploited. Argument 1: the commissioner of the music pays for it to be created, so it should control the copyright and receive royalties. Argument 2: the composer should own the copyright and control the music, and the rights should not be bought out. The panel will discuss the points of principle, lift the lid on contract negotiations and give their views on whether composer buyouts are fair for composers and music commissioners.
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Peter Bradbury
Sky UK Ltd
Mark Gordon
Score Draw Music
Ashley Johnson
Your Music, Your Future

Tanya Perara