Climate Repair, Ocean Health, and Carbon Removal
Our planet is 30% land and 70% oceans. Climate change represents the greatest collective challenge of our time, and is a direct result of excess carbon emissions to the tune of 2,000 gigatons. The removal of carbon dioxide is critical, if humanity is to have a chance to turn the tide on climate change. While land-based solutions are well known and discussed, Earth’s oceans provide the best pathway for permanent gigaton-scale carbon removal (CR) that can be deployed quickly. Oceans naturally remove CO2, cycling it to the deep ocean in a safe and permanent form. Blue carbon, iron fertilization, electrochemistry, and alkalinization represent a few ocean-based CR pathways. Maximizing ocean productivity and reducing ocean acidity through protection and conservation efforts will also be key.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Brad Ack
Ocean Visions
Michelle Li
Clever Carbon

Kathryn Moran
Ocean Networks Canada
Marty Odlin
Running Tide