
The Impact of GDPR for Music Rights Holders

Mar 14, 2023

11:30am – 12:30pm CT

Recording: The Impact of GDPR for Music Rights Holders, Mar 14, 2023

GDPR legislation sets usage parameters for an individual's private data for the companies whose platforms it exists on. In contrast, music rights holders have no right of access to their data from the platforms who house their content. Lack of access to this information impacts one's ability to make timely marketing decisions and get discovered through the noise. This conversation will analyze the music landscape from the perspective of data access, ownership, application, what is currently available, what is missing and how we can break down those barriers. We will also discuss the need for data to support and grow catalog music, which now consumes 80% of all streams yearly. This panel is geared towards investment firms managing catalog assets, managers and labels.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Kristin Grant

Kristin Grant

Westcott Multimedia

photo of Nitzan Hoffmann
photo of Sharon Tapper

Sharon Tapper

Music Managers Forum-US

photo of Vasja Veber

Vasja Veber

Viberate.com Music Data Analytics

Primary Access
Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Artist Wristband
Secondary Access
Interactive Badge
Film & TV Badge
Format: Panel
Type: Session
Level: Intermediate