
Estereomance, a contemporary art-pop project composed by producer Manuel Calderon (El Cosmophonico), multi-instrumentalist and singer Adria Del Valle and renowned vocalist Paulina Reza, blossomed into fruition in 2019. Since then, they have elevated the range of West Texas Soul Pop to lean into cultural hybridity and sound that resonates with a global music identity. Navigating the border towns of El Paso, Texas and Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, the magic of their duplicity, both personally and sonically, manifests with their ability to fluidly supersede physical and musical boundaries. Together, their fusion produces a natural and powerful blend of seasoned musicianship, emotive lyricism and dynamic storytelling that dances effortlessly between their bilingual tongues.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Estereomance

Mar 15, 2023
11:30pm — 12:10am
Presented by
BMI Sonidos
Mar 19, 2023
12:00am — 12:40am
Presented by
Anniversary Group + No Gold
El Paso, TX
Dream Pop
Professional Connections
Estereomance is seeking the following:
  • Brand Partnership
  • Gear Endorsement
  • Other Artists to Tour With
  • Booking Agent - UK/Europe
  • Booking Agent - Worldwide
  • PR/Publicity Agency
  • Sync/Music Supervisors