photo of Raqi Syed

Raqi Syed

Sr Lecturer
Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington

Raqi Syed is a writer, visual effects designer, and researcher. She is co-director of the award-winning film experience MINIMUM MASS.

Her practice and teaching focus on the materiality of light, hybrid forms of non-fiction and genre storytelling, and an anti-racist critical aesthetics of visual effects.

Raqi has worked as a visual effects artist on a number of feature films for Disney Animation Studios and Weta Digital. In 2020 her VR work was exhibited at the Tribeca, Cannes, Annecy, and Venice International Film Festivals. She is a 2018 Sundance and Turner Fellow, and a 2020 Ucross Fellow. In 2017, The Los Angeles Times pegged Raqi for a list of 100 people who can help solve Hollywood’s diversity problem.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Raqi Syed
Events featuring Raqi Syed