photo of Gabriel Torres

Gabriel Torres

Haus of Dust

Interdisciplinary Artist and Performer focused in community based practices/projects, performing arts, audiovisual mediums and technology. I am speaking about Haus of Dust, , A game I am currently developing as a tool to develop hard and soft skills for people struggling with substance abuse: imagine if before you hit your dealer, you play a game and it helps you release the cravings :)? Well we just finished our first small focus group with the LGBT Center in NYC, thanks to the support of Unity, we have favorable data and I'm looking for interested parties to develop the project forward.

Here is my bio :P :

Gabriel Torres is a multidisciplinary artist from Colombia and New York. Gabriel is currently working in Haus of Dust, a campaign to bring awareness about substance use in latinx queer communities from his personal experience. Gabriel’s work deals in the conversations between community engagement, creative placemaking, theater making and film. He has worked in Hong Kong, NYC and Colombia as an educator, documentarian, theater director and community engagement consultant. For the past two years, Gabriel has been focusing on developing initiatives to build gaps between emerging and stablished artists and developing community-based projects. Aesthetically, his work duels between human contradiction, transcendence, immigration, ancestry, rituality, grieve and loss. Gabriel is interested in projects that provide economic acceleration to underserved communities, while creating powerful storytelling narratives that rightfully represent and honor the journey of such communities.

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Events featuring Gabriel Torres
Events featuring Gabriel Torres