photo of Sam Barratt

Sam Barratt

Chief, Youth, Education & Advocacy
United Nations Environment Programme

Sam is the Chief of Youth, Education and Advocacy at UNEP.

Based in Nairobi, he runs the organisations engagement with Higher Education, Youth Movements and partners in the fields of Sport and Music in addition to coordinating the Advocacy programme of the Ecosystems Division.

He co-founded the Playing for the Planet Alliance with some of the world's biggest gaming companies to support them to decarbonise their platforms and place green activations in games.

For formal education, he and the team work with Universities to support them to reduce their emissions, make commitments to be nature positive and launched the Little Book of Green Nudges for campuses.

The programme also engages with the International Olympic Committee on a new soon-to-be-launched Sport for Nature initiative, with the Scout / Girl Guide Movements on the Tide Turners programme which has reached 500,000 youth and they worked to create "Earth School" with TED-Ed which saw 1 million youth engage in the programme during the pandemic.

Finally, Sam also oversees the advocacy work of the Division, training staff, commissioning new reports on issues such as wildfires and supporting the mission of UNEP on its nature and climate agenda.

Sam enjoys running slowly, reading a lot, sailing badly, trying to be present with the kids and making the most of all that Kenya has to offer.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Sam Barratt
Events featuring Sam Barratt