Documentary filmmaker Margaret Brown (“The Order of Myths", “The Great Invisible”) returns to her hometown of Mobile, Alabama to document the search for and historic discovery of The Clotilda, the last known ship to arrive in the United States, illegally carrying enslaved Africans. After a century of secrecy and speculation, the 2019 discovery of the ship turns attention toward the descendant community of Africatown and presents a moving portrait of a community actively grappling with and fighting to preserve their heritage while examining what justice looks like today.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: | Margaret Brown |
Executive Producer: | Jeff Skoll, Diane Weyermann, Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson, Tariq “Black Thought” Trotter, Shawn Gee, Zarah Zohlman, Kate Hurwitz |
Producer: | Kyle Martin, Essie Chambers, Margaret Brown |
Cinematographer: | Justin Zweifach, Zac Manuel |
Editor: | Michael Bloch, Geoffrey Richman |
Music: | Ray Angry, Rhiannon Giddens, Dirk Powell |
Principal Cast: | Kamau Sadiki: Slave Wrecks Project/Diving With a Purpose, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Dr. Kern Jackson: Co-producer, Co-writer and Folklorist, Veda Tunstall: Clotilda Descendant, Emmett Lewis: Direct Descendant of Cudjoe Kazoola Lewis, Joycelyn Davis: Clotilda Descendant , Lorna Woods: Clotilda Descendant, Ramsey Sprague: Environmental Activist, Ben Raines: Reporter attributed with locating the wreck site of the Clotilda, Darron Patterson: Clotilda Descendant |
Publicity Contact: | Gabriela Archuleta |