This hilarious mock game show features a lineup of male comedians delivering quick sets to a panel of female judges, who then answer the question “Would you bang him?” Presented by The Stand NYC and hosted by comedy couple Bonnie McFarlane and Rich Vos, this cheeky show is part stand-up, part roast, and all good fun.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Logan Guntzelman
Ian Lara
SXSW Comedy
Bonnie McFarlane
The Stand
Jamar Neighbors
Sean Patton
Eddie Pepitone
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Dulcé Sloan
Rich Vos
Primary Access
Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Film Badge
Interactive Badge
Secondary Access
Music Festival Wristband
Artist Wristband
Film Festival Wristband