Sonic the Hedgehog Title Sequence
For Paramount’s live action adaptation of the beloved video game character Sonic the Hedgehog, the filmmakers wanted a high energy sequence recalling fun moments from the film. Inspired by Sonic’s debut on the Sega Genesis console, Picturemill reimagined scenes from the film as a classic 16-bit era side-scrolling game. Folding in elements from the original games as fun Easter eggs for Sonic’s legions of fans, the final title sequence pays tribute to Sonic’s past and present.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Directors: | William Lebeda, Cecilia De Jesus |
Producer: | David Midgen |
Editor: | Dustin Frost |
Additional Credits: | Animator: Sonia Kiran, Animator: Nelson Yu, Animator: Jon Block, Background Designer: Midio Tafuri, Production Manager: Evan Jackson |
Public Film Contact: | Picturemill |
Publicity Contact: | Picturemill |