Strangled Title Sequence
A serial killer stalks the streets of 1960s Hungary in this psychological thriller based on true events. In the town of Martfű, young women are haunted by a killer's murderous rampage. An innocent man is accused of the crimes, while a detective plots to pin the murderer at any cost.
The title sequence offers a thrilling journey through the show's world visiting the town's original murder scenes. 'Strangled' is the first Hungarian series premiered in Netflix in 2020.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Directors: | András Derzsy, Sándor Takó |
Executive Producer: | Adam Cobler, Sándor Perecz |
Producer: | Sándor Takó |
Cinematographer: | Ádám Temesi, Jannis Jorgopulos |
Editor: | András Derzsy |
Music: | Márk Moldvai |
Additional Credits: | Creative Director: András Derzsy, Production Manager: Emil Wagner, Interior Design: Márk Tóth, Title Animation: Norbert Porkoláb |
Distributor: | Sándor Takó |
Public Film Contact: | Sándor Takó |
Publicity Contact: | Sándor Takó |