Confronting A Serial Killer
"Confronting a Serial Killer," a new docuseries from Joe Berlinger, tells the story of the unprecedented relationship between author and journalist Jillian Lauren and the most prolific serial killer in American history, Sam Little, who recently died in prison on December 30, 2020 at the age of 80 after having avoided justice for his crimes for decades. Through the perspectives of Lauren and several female investigators, survivors and victims’ family members, “Confronting a Serial Killer” shines a light on systemic issues in the criminal justice system including bias against marginalized communities, particularly women of color, and those struggling with addiction, mental illness, and trauma.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Directors: |
Joe Berlinger, Po Kutchins - Showrunner |
Executive Producer: |
Joe Berlinger, Po Kutchins, Jon Doran, Jon Kamen |
Producer: |
Eve Rodrick, Eleanor Yu, Cassandra Corbett, Janine Nask, Julia Pontecorvo, Lesley Grossman, Emma McNamara, Ariel Kay |
Cinematographer: |
Andrew Dunn & Taylor Gentry |
Editor: |
Cy Christiansen, Margaret Noble |
Music: |
Joel Goodman |
Principal Cast: |
Jillian Lauren, Sam Little |
Additional Credits: |
Consulting Producer: Jillian Lauren, Art Director: Lee Clayton |
Public Film Contact: |
Ryan Aguirre
Publicity Contact: |
Ryan Aguirre