photo of Stéphanie Trepanier

Stéphanie Trepanier

Stephanie has been in the film industry since 2005, first with the Montreal Fantasia International Film Festival, to which she contributed for 9 editions, in coordination and programming roles, and founded its Frontières International Co-production Market in 2012. Frontières was the first genre film-focused market in North-America and Europe, has inspired numerous events since and is now partnered with the Cannes Marché du Film, amongst other European film events.
She furthered her experience in project development as the Director of Development at Snowfort Pictures in 2015-16.
She started in film distribution in 2006 at Christal Films and founded the distribution company Evokative Films in 2008. She was then Distribution Director at Métropole Films Distribution, Quebec’s preeminent independent film distributor, associated with Mongrel Media, in 2017-18.
She has managed the release of over 200 titles over 6 years in distribution, has Executive Produced 6 films and 16 of her 98 Frontières curated projects made it to production.
Her consultancy expertise includes Director career counselling; Project development and packaging; Festival submissions and programming; Public relations and marketing; Acquisitions and distribution; and Event management.

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