photo of D Sharma

D Sharma

Co-Founder & Ceo

D Sharma is a serial entrepreneur, investor and founder of Early in his career, D was fortunate to be part of Nokia Research Center, Espoo, Finland, where he was part of the Internet Technology team. In 2000, he launched his first startup in speech recognition technology, inventing and getting first patent on using speech and text simultaneously. Later he would use GPS technology on mobile devices to help with advertising, eventually growing the business to over $200M in revenue. In his latest venture,, he is focused on helping reduce stress, anxiety in the workplace by bringing live and interactive learning with some of the best teachers in the world. D is an investor in various startups and growth funds. He is passionate about the future of humanity, and is excited yet cautious about the advancement in AI and Machine Learning.

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Events featuring D Sharma
Events featuring D Sharma