photo of Berhan Taye

Berhan Taye

Author, Lead, #Keepiton Campaign
Access Now

Berhan Taye leads Access Now’s #KeepItOn campaign, a global campaign to stop internet shutdowns with a coalition of more than 150 member organizations from across the world. Before joining Access Now, she was a researcher for the Technology for Social Justice Field Scan project where she investigated the tech and social justice space in the U.S. Before that, she was a Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellow (2016-2017) with Research Action Design and Open Technology Institute. Berhan previously worked with the Alliance for Affordable Internet, researching the gender digital divide in Kenya and at the IGAD’s Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Center mitigating violent conflict in East Africa. She has also conducted research on transitional justice and criminal violence at the University of Notre Dame and engaged legislative processes related to land rights in Cape Town, South Africa. Berhan holds an MA in Peace studies and Public Policy from Notre Dame and a BA from Malmö University

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Events featuring Berhan Taye
Events featuring Berhan Taye