Deep in the underbelly of New York City, a five year-old girl and her mother live among a community that has claimed the abandoned subway tunnels as their home. After a sudden police-mandated eviction, the pair are forced to flee aboveground into a brutal winter night. Determined to return home, they fight to find shelter as their world is thrown into chaos.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: | Celine Held, Logan George |
Executive Producer: | Kimberly Steward, Adrienne Becker, Yoni Liebling |
Producer: | Anthony Bregman, Peter Cron, Kara Durrett, Jonathan Montepare, Melina Lizette, Josh Godfrey, Daniel Crown |
Screenwriter: | Celine Held, Logan George |
Cinematographer: | Lowell A. Meyer |
Editor: | Logan George |
Production Designer: | Nora Mendis |
Sound Designer: | Joanna Fang |
Music: | David Baloche |
Principal Cast: | Zhaila Farmer, Celine Held, Jared Abrahamson, Fatlip |
Additional Credits: | Costume Designer: Begoñia Berges, Production Supervisor: Ben Kahn, On-Set Sound Mixer: Dennis Rainaldi, Gaffer: Tyler Harmon-Townsend, Key Grip: Chris Cazavilan, UPM: David Duque-Estrada |
Distributor: | Christine D'Souza Gelb |
Public Film Contact: | Likely Story |
Publicity Contact: | Ryan Werner |
Sales Agent: | Endeavor Content |