India: A Startup Nation With a Surging Economy

In a world constituting 195 countries, India has always been able to stand apart owing to its appeal to people from across the globe. While some define India as a potpourri of various cultures, others see this fast growing nation as a hotspot for huge business opportunities. 

A major factor that contributes to India's fast growth is the pool of entrepreneurs with frugal mindset it houses. Thanks to their geniuses, the country witnesses unique innovations surfacing the market almost every single day. Moreover, the country boasts a huge customer base that is always on a lookout for new tech platforms that can augment their lifestyle. 

Whether we talk about the music industry or e-commerce, owing to its matchless potential and tendency to give increasing revenue and great leaders, India is being eyed by the rest of the world to get a piece of this economy.

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photo of Vishu Gupta
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Format: Focus15
Type: Session
Track: Startups
Level: Intermediate