Mexico, the Sleeping Giant of Entrepreneurship

Mexico is a hidden paradise for early stage startups. 
The first thing a young entrepreneur thinks before starting a new venture is: “I need to go to Silicon Valley to start, or i’m not going to be successful” But if we look at the top causes that kill startups  today, Silicon Valley is clearly not the best place and Mexico may be your golden secret. 
Why? One of the top causes that kill startups is the lack of cash. No surprise there, but what if I tell you that in Mexico founders can live with a 1/4th of  what they need in the US and maintain the lifestyle. Talking about operation expenses, Mexico is a strong winner, since there is a huge amount of human talent, especially on engineering and while life cost in Mexico is way cheaper, new ventures can have about 2.3X more runway with the same amount of money than in the US. 
During this 13 talk, Diego Roel, young Mexican founder of Strap technologies will go through 5 reason  (legal, cash, culture, talent, market, competition) why Mexico could be a real golden opportunity for worldwide entrepreneurs who latter wants to attack the US market. Just as Diego who started his assistive tech venture at Mexico and after 2 years he moved to the US.

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photo of Diego Roel

Diego Roel

Strap Technologies Inc.

Primary Access
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Platinum Badge
Format: Focus15
Type: Session
Track: Startups
Level: Intermediate