3 Essential Social Systems for Sustainable Society

On Demand Session Link

NEDO, a governmental funding agency for research and development projects in Japan, strives to address energy and global environmental problems, as well as enhancing industrial technology. Climate change and marine plastic litter are global grave issues these days. Technologies, such as 3R (reuse, reduce, recycle), biomass utilization and photovoltaics, can contribute to tackle the issues. In this session, NEDO presents three essential social systems (ESS), namely, Circular Economy, Bio-Economy and Sustainable Energy to create a sustainable society through innovation. It is indispensable for the ecosystem with less burdens on global environment and living nature to optimally harmonize the ESS.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Hirofumi Oima

Hirofumi Oima

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

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Format: Focus15
Type: Session
Level: Intermediate