Digital Apartheid, Digital Literacy, and Democracy

Social media has transformed Brazil into one of the top users of social media, yet large masses remain digitally excluded. Social media has become synonymous with the internet, and the country has become one of the biggest markets for persuasive technologies. While internet access grows exponentially, digital literacy does not follow. We need to improve emerging “netizens”' capacity to integrate or we risk digital apartheid.  Using Brazilian research projects as a starting point, we'll reflect on alternatives that improve the quality of digital interaction and positive social outcomes. And finally, we'll address how we creators of the web can evolve in creating alternative measurements to assess interaction in our digital world.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Luiza Futuro

Luiza Futuro

Chazz Design

Primary Access
Film Badge
Interactive Badge
Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Format: Focus15
Type: Session
Level: Intermediate