Building Products People Love With Product Marketing

With 65-90% of tech products failing to deliver, how do you know what to build for your customers? Former HomeAway CTO, Ross Buhrdorf explains how he uses product marketing in his newest venture Zenbusiness to help over 20,000 small business owners improve their odds of success when building a business. With over 36 different products for small business owners available, how did ZenBusiness determine what products to build and ensure their success ahead of time?

Ross will be interviewed by his co-founder and the Director of Product Marketing at ZenBusiness, JC Glancy.

After this session, you will be able to walk away with actionable steps that you can take in your own business to increase the odds of your product success.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Ross Buhrdorf
Ross Buhrdorf

Zenbusiness Pbc

photo of JC Glancy
JC Glancy

Zenbusiness Pbc

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