Carbon Pricing to Drive Innovation and Change

Taking climate action requires policy and technological innovation. Carbon pricing provides an economic signal to emitters, who determine whether to transform their activities or pay a price. These policies help mobilize financial investments to stimulate clean technology and market innovation, and incentivize low-carbon economic growth. Convened by the Canadian Consulate, this interactive panel will bring a diversity of perspectives from industry, government, international organizations and think tanks together. They will dive into concrete examples of how carbon pricing policies are unlocking potential for low-carbon economic growth, while discussing the opportunities and challenges for advancing carbon markets internationally.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Rachel McCormick
Rachel McCormick

Consulate General of Canada

photo of Jonathan Sohn
Jonathan Sohn

Capital Power

photo of Katie Sullivan
Katie Sullivan

International Emissions Trading Association

photo of William Swetra
William Swetra

Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, LLC

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