Creating Immersive Worlds Through Film and Games

World-building through film and video games is an art form in which both mediums offer very different strengths and limitations for creators to use to their advantage. The most notable difference is that the world of a film must be presented to us while worlds in games are entirely interactive. So how exactly do audiences spend their time with both, and why do they love these mediums in their own unique ways? Join experienced creators from across these landscapes as they discuss and break apart the deep and immersive experiences found throughout iconic games and film.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Sam Barlow

Sam Barlow

Drowning A Mermaid Productions

photo of janina gavankar

janina gavankar

Safe Haven Productions, Inc.

photo of Mikael Kasurinen

Mikael Kasurinen

Remedy Entertainment

photo of Melissa Maccoubrey
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