Presented by Energizing Health

Pitching Home Runs in Pediatric Medical Innovation

[Part 1 in a three-session series] Since 2015, the Impact Pediatric Health Pitch Competition brings together leading pediatric hospitals, startups and other partners to draw attention to the need and opportunities for innovation in pediatric settings. Last year, as part of the Southwest National Pediatric Device Consortium, we committed $100,000 to support promising innovations to focus on children's health in the tech sector. In this session, learn from pediatric hospital leaders about the priorities in medical device innovations and previous prize winners and hear from Vasum Peiris, Chief Medical Officer for Pediatrics and Special Populations at FDA/CDRH, about how innovations in medical devices for children and other special populations result in better care for all.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Chester Koh
Chester Koh

Texas Children's Hospital

photo of Melinda Mathis
Melinda Mathis

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

photo of Vasum Peiris
Vasum Peiris

US Food and Drug Administration

photo of Graham Randall
Graham Randall

Noninvasix Inc.

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