Shooting for the Moon with Hypersonic Flight

1 in ~20 rockets blow up. These numbers are not acceptable when human life or critical payloads are on the line. We can make rockets safer, but that drives up cost significantly. There is a fundamental flaw - the 1st stage of the rocket is carrying mass amounts of highly volatile fuel to lift mass amounts of fuel. This is counterintuitive. Every recent improvement made from SpaceX , Blue Origin, etc. focus on lowering the cost by reusing the 1st stage of the rocket, band-aiding the problem Let’s imagine a new way to fly, replace the 1st stage and lofting the upper stage to the edge of space to begin an orbital burn. By making the system cheaper, safer, and less complex we enable rapid development. Flights multiple times a day instead of months apart. Learn. Fix. Repeat.

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photo of Mark Russell

Mark Russell

HyperSciences Inc

photo of Leon Vanstone

Leon Vanstone

University of Texas at Austin

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Format: Presentation
Type: Session
Track: Space
Level: Intermediate