
#YouTooCanHelp: 5 Vital Skills for the #MeToo Era

On Demand Session Link

The #MeToo movement spurred millions of survivors to share their stories of trauma and abuse. What it didn’t do, unfortunately, was teach us as a society to hear those stories in a respectful, healing way. We are often called upon to interact with those in trauma: an employee is a victim of revenge porn; a co-worker has a terminal illness; client data has been stolen. Without the skills or preparation to handle that discussion effectively, we can botch the interaction, doing further harm to those in trauma and possibly putting our organization at risk. This session teaches leaders, managers and HR professionals the five things to do in that interaction to not make it worse, hopefully make it better, and not get your organization in trouble. This helps us all—survivors and listeners alike.

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photo of Katharine Manning
Katharine Manning

Blackbird LLC

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