The Psychologically Resilient Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs report significantly higher rates of depression, attention-deficit disorder, substance abuse and bipolar disorder than a control group. This is partially due to self-selection (qualities that make great entrepreneurs – creativity, empathy, adaptiveness, humor, independence, risk-taking, multi-tasking, and crisis-management skills – originate from the same roots of trauma as shame, anxiety, perfectionism, ADHD, avoidant attachment, and discomfort with stability); and largely due to the entrepreneurial lifestyle (social isolation, sleep deprivation, unrealistically high expectations, drug use, stress, and uncertainty). In this session, we'll hear mental health advice from founders who've overcome or learned how to manage mental health challenges.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Bea Arthur
Bea Arthur

The Difference

photo of Suzie Baleson
Suzie Baleson

Wellth Collective

photo of Megan Bruneau
Megan Bruneau

Megan Bruneau LLC

photo of Noah Dolgoy
Noah Dolgoy

Tread Inc.

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