
Attracting Employees with Disabilities

In the 21st Century workplace, a diverse workforce provides an essential competitive advantage. Diversity fosters a productive workplace culture, boosts morale and employee retention, drives innovation and creativity, and helps companies better understand their customers. But how do you attract and retain diverse employees—especially those with disabilities? According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, as of 2018 there are 15.3 million people of working age living with disabilities in the United States, but only 30 percent of those people are participating in the workforce. Learn how to leverage recruitment ads and workspace design to attract top talent from this largely untapped market of underemployed individuals.

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photo of Tu-Quynh Bui
Tu-Quynh Bui

NASA - Johnson Space Center

photo of Michael Higgins
photo of Aaron Holm
Aaron Holm


photo of John Robinson
John Robinson

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