How Tech is Transforming Healthcare, in Your Home

On Demand Session Link

The consumer healthcare experience is undergoing a tech-driven revolution. Smart homes are becoming hubs for managing personal health and wellness. Connected health devices can flag health issues before we even notice a problem. A growing number of HIPAA-compliant Alexa skills enable consumers to access healthcare services from their homes. In the next decade, the convergence of connected health and smart home products has the potential to transform healthcare as we know it: enhancing independent living, improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Yet rolling out new healthcare and assistive technologies in the home is not as simple as it sounds. In this session, connected health and smart home leaders will discuss issues and opportunities for these emerging technologies.

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photo of Jim Hunter

Jim Hunter

Delos Incorporated

photo of Pat Kelly

Pat Kelly


photo of Andrew Smerek
photo of Camille Vargas
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