
Date TBA

Complete was formed in the mid 90s by Curt Low and Pete Creech. After a few local gigs and one "legendary" performance at The Fort Worth, TX "Music Venue", the band went into hiatus. During the mid 2000s, footage of this one show made it's way onto Youtube. Since then, hundreds of thousands of fans have celebrated the phenomena known as Complete. Many have compared their music to Captain Beefheart's "Trout Mask Replica" album. With songs like "Hoogie Boogie Land" and "Beautiful Sunrises", Complete swiftly gained a reputation of being the " Best Worst Band Ever" due to their unique approach to music. Some fans will dispute this and consider them to be "The Best band Ever". In 2007, Orlando Logan Olivero of Terranodon Media booked their 1st show in Austin, TX and they have returned to play almost every SXSW since.
More recently, the band participated in Terranodon Media's "Outsider Music Showcase". Currently, a documentary is being filmed by their drummer Zach Daly. After Pete Creech's passing, long time fan, Orlando Logan Olivero took up bass duties. Complete's future is as bright as "Beautiful Sunrises".
"We wanted to form a band that could change the World" --- Curt Low

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Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Secondary Access
Music Festival Wristband
Artist Wristband
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Interactive Badge
Fort Worth, TX