ISM Hexadome Program 1: Suzanne Ciani & Auderrose / Ben Frost & MFO / Pfadfinderei & René Löwe

Date TBA

Suzanne Ciani & AudeRrose | UNDER THE ELECTRIC SEA (25:57)

UNDER THE ELECTRIC SEA is composed of a series of analog photographic images created with ancient printing techniques such as cyanotype, lumen print, chemigram and photogram. Through experiments based on chemical reactions, abstract shapes and colour motives are created.

Ben Frost & MFO | THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD (24:14)

Spatialized deconstructions of material from the 2016 THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD recording sessions form the backbone of Frost’s work for the ISM Hexadome. The piece is a document of an event, of a room, and of the composer within it. It is music that is not fully controlled and appears to be anxiously, often violently competing against its creator.

René Löwe & Pfadfinderei | THE P!EACE (20:26)

Want to hit the ceiling, to change the perspective, then float in wide spheres and rushing wind, turning on my own axis in free fall, pictures like parachutes, the bass a compass, off the beaten paths through time and space, das Labland, as far as the eye can see, the legs are dangling in space, point A becomes B, cpatch, 3Dub…..just a frame on the big timeline.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

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