
Date TBA


Sharkmuffin have been playing and touring since 2012, led by Tarra Thiessen (guitar/vocals) and Natalie Kirch (bass/vocals). Their latest EP, Gamma Gardening, is a cohesive vision of the band, an adventurous record that travels cosmic depth while retaining the punch and energy of Sharkmuffin’s best music. Influenced by everything from The Shangri-Las and Nirvana to Broadcast and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the trio tear through anthemic and artistic rock songs full of grandeur and blistering intensity. Their music is instantly catchy and vibrant, offering more than meets the eye as their layered recordings build to new heights and back again into primal glam punk charm.

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Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Secondary Access
Music Festival Wristband
Artist Wristband
Film Badge
Interactive Badge
Brooklyn, NY