photo of David Less

David Less

Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder
Abrahamic Reunion

David Less has taught meditation, conflict resolution, and interfaith dialogue for over 45 years. Born Jewish and trained in Sufi, Buddhist, Yogic, and other spiritual pathways, he was the Global Vice President of the Universal Worship from 2001-2017, an organization in over 30 countries that honors the commonality in all religions and respects their differences. He promotes understanding instead of blame as a path to peace in the Holy Land via the Abrahamic Reunion, an international, interfaith peacemaking nonprofit he helped co-found in 2004, of which he is currently the Chairman. In 2001, David founded Rising Tide International, a universal spiritual community in Sarasota, FL. He spends the year traveling to offer group and individual retreats, workshops, seminars, and classes on inner awakening in the US, UK, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Australia, and spiritual pilgrimages and tours throughout the world.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring David Less
Events featuring David Less