A darkly comedic series about a struggling new mom who ditches her dreary postpartum-depression support group for the stand-up comedy class next door. In this short-form pilot episode, Maggie struggles with inappropriate fantasies about her impossibly attractive live-in nanny.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: | Sasha Gordon |
Executive Producer: | Mindy Goldberg |
Producer: | Creighton DeSimone |
Screenwriter: | Sasha Gordon |
Cinematographer: | Bobby Webster |
Editor: | Leah Boatright |
Production Designer: | Mel Lovric |
Sound Designer: | Zach Goheen |
Music: | Sasha Gordon |
Principal Cast: | Christine Woods, David Walton, Dina Hashem, Jon Bander, Maddison Ridley, Chris Jarell, Veronica Mosey |
Public Film Contact: | Sarah Sbardellati |
Publicity Contact: | Sarah Sbardellati |