Breaking Barriers: Science + Technology Meet Up
Get together with fellow developers, marketing experts, entrepreneurs, scientists, and anyone interested in the intersection between science and technology for an hour of brainstorming and networking. Are you working in medicine and interested to find out how web technologies are advancing the field? Are you a machine learning expert interested in using your powers for good? Are you a marketing wiz and want to know how to share your talent to advance science? Are you a scientists looking to make a wider impact with your research? Just interested in how the web is being leveraged to facilitate science? Come meet up! Let’s discuss some of the new and exciting science projects out there, and learn about software carpentry projects that help scientists learn new software skills.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Carrie Arnold
Texas Advanced Computing Center
Hedda Prochaska
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)