Viagra Boys

Viagra Boys - Sports

Grimey, acid highway full throttle; Viagra Boys twisted dark punk album ‘Street Worms’ is an interesting ride as vocalist Sebastian Murphy lets you ride shotgun while this trip takes you blazing to the top of a mountain before speeding right back down to the basement again. The bass line ferociously drives the car and the drums make sure you stay on the road - this is one of those trips where you sporadically wake up and find yourself in strange situations, wondering how the f*ck you got there.

From the Shrimp shack to the dog show, one minute you’re playing rugby ball the next moment you’re being eaten by worms, and between the fading lights and the strange look on your friend’s face Murphy grabs your ears and asks you what it really is you want from this life.

This is an album about illusions of realness, the absurdum of existence and the joke on humanity.

‘Street Worms’ is Viagra Boys debut studio album, a debut that instantly let them occupy their absolute own space in music history.

“It was all a dream, but it was so nice. I had a nice house and such a lovely wife. We had a little dog, such a little dog, it reminded me of a large dog. Just a miniature size. ”

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Viagra Boys

Mar 13, 2019
10:00pm — 10:40pm
Presented by
DIY Presents
Mar 14, 2019
10:00pm — 10:40pm
Presented by